Writings and lectures I have given

- Practical AI For Healthcare Professionals: Book (publisher Springer Nature: Apress, Dec 2021) focused on teaching programming and AI tech with a healthcare bent. Link.
- Economics and healthcare Availability: Medical Deserts and Challenges in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Article on the difficulties present in medical deserts (both rural and urban) and associated exacerbation of issues by COVID19. San Antonio Medicine. 73(8). August 2020.
- Why Behind the WAT: Article explaining the oddities of Javascript’s type system (as shown in Gary Bernhardt’s talk). Published in DailyJS (Link; 44k views).
- How to use Python and Flask to build a web app — an in-depth tutorial: Article walking through the usage of Flask for python web applications. Published in FreeCodeCamp (Link; 34k views).
- Making the Web More Accessible with AI: Article talking about how to use im2txt AI model to produce image captions for the visually impaired. Published in HackerNoon (Link; 3.6k views).
- Artificial Intelligence and the Rise of Economic Inequality: Article discussing the role of AI and associated job replacement on overall economic trends. Published in Towards Data Science (Link; 32k views).
- Abhinav Suri: Hack4Impact and Using Tech for Good: Article about work I had recently done on a Hack4Impact project. Published in University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering Alumni Magazine (Link)
- How we built an app that uses worker location history to combat wage theft: Article giving overview of the process of building a location history analyzer used for the purpose of combatting wage theft. Published in FreeCodeCamp. (Link; 7.6k views).
- How we got our 2-year-old repo trending on GitHub in just 48 hours: Article talking about the values of good open source practices and their impact on repository popularity + ease of use. Published in FreeCodeCamp. (Link; 35k views).
I was fortunate to lecture for CIS197 for two semesters on a weekly basis. Though I anticipate as the years go on my lecture material will be replaced with newer slides, here is the link to the current iteration of the course on JavaScript and Web Development. https://www.seas.upenn.edu/~cis197/. Topics covered included introduction to JS syntax, asynchronous functions, DOM manipulation, Socket IO, React, Redux, Advanced React/Redux patterns, Authentication, Token based authentication with JWTs, and WebAssembly. I was also incredibly grateful for the support of several TAs I managed through the course (most recently Nihar Patil, Cameron Cabo, Ciara Brown, and Taras Bukachevsky) and Dr. Swapneel Sheth & Dr. Joe Devietti for allowing an undergraduate to lecture + run their own course.
Other Lectures I have been invited to give:
- Why Behind the WAT. One of the lectures given for CIS197 (as supplementary material). You can find it on youtube here. NB, A commenter was kind to point out some inaccuracies in how I referred to specific concepts. I have put those errors in the description. As of 10/2020, this is sitting at around 16k+ views.
- PennApps XIV, XV, XVI, XVII. I gave 60-90 minute talks on topics such as basic javascript, react, python (flask), and coding for social good (as part of my work with hack4impact) to college and high school students across the nation at PennApps (nation’s largest collegiate hackathon…though that title tends to flip around between a few campuses over the years).
- RedefineCS: Lectured on topics in computer science and biology and highlighted the intersection between the two fields. Lectures given to high school students from backgrounds typically under-represented in CS. Done during COVID (2020-21, virtual; Slides from most recent iteration).
- Philomathean Society: Opium. The Philomathean Society is the oldest literary society in the United States which I am a member of (and served as the moderator a.k.a president during undergrad). As part of the literary exercise graduation requirement, I gave a talk (multiple times) on the origins of Opium throughout the ages. (Slides)
- TEDxSanAntonio: Birth of a Hacker Culture. During high school, I co-founded a nonprofit called Apps For Aptitude that hosted hackathons in South Texas when none existed at the time. My co-founder (Joshua Singer) and I were invited to give a talk at TEDxSanAntonio on defining “hacker” culture. Link here (Youtube)