
Some output from Mask-RCNN on spine MRIs.
- ApressSpringer Nature: Apress. 2022.
- US Patent
- RSNADeepFRAX: A Novel Deep Learning Based Predictor of Future Hip and Major Osteoporotic Fracture Risk.Radiological Society of North America: R&E Foundation Grant. 2023-2024.
Manuscripts/Other Published Works
- RYAIRadiology: Artificial Intelligence. 2024.
- JORJournal of Orthopaedic Research. 2023.
- RYAIRadiology: Artificial Intelligence. 2023.
- CCRClinical Case Reports. 2023.
- JOMIThe International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants. 2023.
- JAMIAJournal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2022.
- RYAIRadiology: Artificial Intelligence. 2021.
- Discentes
- UPennLinkage Disequilibrium based Polygenic Risk Scores as a Predictor of COPD.University of Pennsylvania Department of Biology (Thesis). 2019.
- JCBFMJournal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism. 2015.
- AANSMachine Learning Predicts Cerebral Vasospasm in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Patients: Multi-Center Validation.Oral Presentation at American Association of Neurological Surgeons 2024 Annual Meeting. 2024.
- ACRAutomated Diagnosis and Severity Quantification of Diabetes on Abdominal CT Scans.Poster Presentation at American College of Radiology Annual Meeting 2024. 2024.
- SARPrediction of Diabetes Status from Abdominal CT Images.Oral Presentation at Society of Abdominal Radiology Annual Meeting 2024. 2024.
- SPIEThe pancreas is all you need: Fusion models for opportunistic screening of diabetes using pancreatic CT volumes.Oral Presentation at SPIE Medical Imaging Annual Meeting 2024. 2024.
- ARRSDeepMetabolics: An overview of AI methods to assess metabolic syndrome and sequelae on imaging.Educational Exhibit at American Roentgen Ray Society 2024 Annual Meeting. 2024.
- RSNABack to the Future: Automatic Deep Learning Approaches to Opportunistically Assess Spine Health.Educational Exhibit at Radiological Society of North America 2023 Annual Meeting. 2023.
- AANSAutomated segmentation, volume quantification, and localization of intravertebral spinal tumors using Mask-RCNN networks.Poster Presentation at American Association of Neurological Surgeons: Annual Meeting. 2023.
- AANSMachine Learning for Fully Automatic Volumetric Analysis of Syringomyelia.Poster Presentation at American Association of Neurological Surgeons: Annual Meeting. 2023.
- AANSMachine Learning on Routinely Monitored ICU Data Predicts Debilitating Cerebral Vasospasm following Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in a Large Cohort.Poster Presentation at American Association of Neurological Surgeons: Annual Meeting. 2023.
- SPIEOral Presentation and Conference Paper at SPIE Medical Imaging Conference. 2023.
- CMIMIConquering the Cobb Angle: Scoliosis Quantification in X-Rays Using Deep Learning.Oral Presentation at SIIM: Conference on Machine Intelligence in Medical Imaging Annual Meeting. 2022.
- ASBMRConquering the Cobb Angle: Scoliosis Quantification in AP-EOS Radiographs using Deep Learning.Poster Presentation at American Society of Bone and Mineral Research Annual Meeting. 2022.
- RSNAConquering the Cobb Angle: Automated Hardware-Invariant Scoliosis Diagnosis in Radiographs using Deep Learning.Oral Presentation at Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting. 2022.
- RSNADeep Learning Landmark Networks In Spine Health Assessment.Educational Exhibit at Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting. 2022.
- ESRScoliosis Grading from Radiographs using Artificial Intelligence.Oral Presentation at European Society of Radiology. 2022.
- STRAutomated Quantification of Cobb Angle from Radiographs using Artificial Intelligence.Poster Presentation at Society of Thoracic Radiology. 2022.
- ORSPrediction Of Emergency Room Admissions For Basketball Injuries Using Machine Learning Algorithms.Poster Presentation at Orthopaedic Research Society. 2022.
- ORSRapid, Hardware-resilient Automated Cobb Angle Measurement From X-rays Using Artificial Intelligence.Podium Presentation at Orthopaedic Research Society. 2022.
- ARRSAutomation of Scoliosis Detection and Cobb Angle Measurement from Radiographs using Artificial Intelligence.Oral Presentation at American Roentgen Ray Society Annual Meeting. 2022.
- ARRSUtilization of Landmark Detection Networks for Musculoskeletal Measurement Tasks.Educational Exhibit at American Roentgen Ray Society Annual Meeting. 2022.
- RSNADeep Learning in Spine Health Assessment.Educational Exhibit at Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting. 2021.
- DSIProducing Real-Time, City Scale COVID-19 Data to Support Epidemic Response in the City of Stamford, CT.Presented at Smart Cities Center, Data Science Institute at Columbia University. 2021.
- ORSArtificial Intelligence for Multi-Modality Vertebral Quality and Fracture Assessment.Presented at Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting. 2021.
- ARRSArtificial Intelligence for Multi-Modality Vertebral Quality and Fracture Assessment.Oral Presentation at American Roentgen Ray Society Annual Meeting. 2021.
- ARRSAutomated Multi-Modality Vertebral Deformity Assessment using Deep Learning.Oral Presentation at American Roentgen Ray Society Annual Meeting. 2021.
- ARRSRapid Quantification of Spine Metrics in Multiple Imaging Modalities using Deep Learning..Oral Presentation at American Roentgen Ray Society Annual Meeting. 2021.
- ARRSDeep Learning in Spine Health Assessment.Educational Exhibit at American Roentgen Ray Society Annual Meeting. 2021.
- ASBMRPresented at . 2020.
- PSOM-OSRDAutomated Assessment of Vertebral and Disc Deformities in Spine MRI and CT Scans Using Artificial Intelligence.Presented at University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine Orthopaedic Surgery Research Conference. 2020.
- ISSFast Extraction of 3D Vertebral Bodies from Clinical CT Images Using Artificial Intelligence.Presented at International Skeletal Society Annual Meeting. 2020.
- ISBIAutomated Instance Segmentation and Keypoint Detection for Spine Imaging Analysis.Presented at International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging Annual Meeting. 2020.
- ACRAugmented Workflow for Vertebral Deformity Measurements on CT and MRI Scans Using Artificial Intelligence.Presented at American College of Radiology National Annual Meeting. 2020.
- ISCDVertebral Morphometric Measurement and Fracture Detection in CT Scans Using Artificial Intelligence.Presented at International Society for Clinical Densitometry Annual Meeting. 2020.
- RSNAThe Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Molecular Classification of Gastric Adenocarcinoma: An Update for Radiologists.Presented at Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting. 2017. (Received Cum Laude Award).
- RSNAHereditary endocrine tumors: A comprehensive review.Presented at Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting. 2016.
- RSNAThe Devil is in the DNA: A comprehensive review of rare malignancies that warrant genetic testing.Presented at Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting. 2015.
Invited Talks
- CVIBPresented at Computer Vision and Imaging Biomarkers Lab, Invited Presentation. 2023.
- CVIBPresented at Computer Vision and Imaging Biomarkers Lab, Invited Presentation. 2023.
- Penn MedPresented at Penn Medicine, MSK Research Conference. 2021.
- Penn MedPresented at Penn Medicine, MSK Research Conference. 2020.
- VA MedPresented at Philadelphia VA Medical Center Bone Case Conference. 2020.